Friday, April 07, 2006


I saw this being pasted outside a kindergarten at the treasury, which is near where i'm doing my attachment. Its amazing that these toddlers are being natured to treasure friendships, something that we, grown up teenagers who are becoming adults, have kind of taken for granted over the years. Well maybe not all of you out there have, but i admit i have.

Its really sad that some friends come and go. Somehow i just wish that i could keep in contact with them everyday and everyweek, but it seems really impossible. However, I thank God for The Brotherhood from the almighty Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Rd). Most of us meet up almost every week for prata at kayu to crap, gossip, joke, share about our week and other stuffs. However, these are brothers...just brothers. Hahaha...kidding. Hmmm..oh yes..not forgetting my gym buddy Leonardo Ong..the legend..HAH. A brother who signs me into his club to use the gym, attends sunday services together but has problems waking up for AFTERNOON services. Hahaha.. Thanks for signing me in to use the gym at the club man. =) Hmmm..another group of friends whom i see almost every week are the church ppl. Used to be pretty close to them but not really now i guess...dont really hv time to hang out with them. Oh! not forgetting my sch mates and classmates. A mini-united nations. Hahaha.. I may hv 400 plus friends on friendster but i hardly hv time for most of them. sucks sucks sucks. But i thank God for the friends i've been consistently in touch with every week for now. Its better to have a few close friends than to have many friends.

Hmmm...sharing of toys. Back in kindergarten, i still can remember playing lego with my lil friends during our break time. Our teachers would jus take out all the legos, have us sit in a circle and they will place all the toys and legos in the middle for us. Being afraid of getting the lousy pieces, we would jus rush the good stuffs. I remember being told by one of my teacher to share a few pieces with a boy and i was a lil reluctant cos i wanted to share it with my kindergarten crush who was sitting beside me. Hahaha! I ended up sharing with both of them because i didnt hv a choice. Hahaha..boy those were the days. Now, i dont have any toys to share with because i dont have any toys! Well..i have my cool 20GB ipod and i guess that all abt it? Yes i do share it with ppl whom i trust.

YAY!!! today's roz's and my 2nd month. Happy 2nd darl.. :) iheartu and i miss you very much.

Alright..gonna sleep and wake up early to head to the gym! zzzz..


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